Insegnamento di TPV 10
Corso di laurea magistrale in PSICOLOGIA APPLICATA
CFU: 2,00
Periodo di Erogazione: Secondo Semestre
Lingua di insegnamento | ITALIANO |
Contenuti | Il tirocinio si propone di approfondire tecniche di supporto alle indagini e di profilazione criminale appartenenti alla Psicologia Investigativa. In particolare verranno presentati i principali approcci alla Criminal Profiling. Saranno approfonditi il modello dell’FBI e modello di David Canter e i loro ambiti di applicazione, con particolare riferimento all’utilizzo della tecnica dell’autopsia psicologica della vittima. |
Testi di riferimento | Slide e materiali presentati durante il laboratorio, e articoli scientifici segnalati dalla docente. |
Obiettivi formativi | Al termine del corso, lo studente: |
Prerequisiti | Nessuno |
Metodologie didattiche | Il tirocinio prevede lezioni frontali ed esercitazioni pratiche. |
Metodi di valutazione | Prova di verifica degli apprendimenti (orale o scritto) e consegna di un progetto. |
Programma del corso | - Introduzione teorica al criminal profiling |
Teaching language | Italian |
Contents | The internship aims to deepen investigation support and criminal profiling techniques belonging to Investigative Psychology. In particular, the main approaches to Criminal Profiling will be presented. The FBI model and David Canter's model and their fields of application will be explored, with particular reference to the use of the psychological autopsy technique of the victim. |
Textbook and course materials | Slides and materials presented during the internship and scientific articles indicated by the lecturer. |
Course objectives | At the end of the course, the student will: |
Prerequisites | None |
Teaching methods | The internship includes lectures and practical exercises. During the lectures, discussions will be encouraged and facilitated to foster critical thinking and exchange of ideas on the topics covered. Students will also be required to participate in group work and individual activities. |
Evaluation methods | Assessment of learning outcomes will be done through an oral or written examination and the submission of a project. Both the examination and the project aim to evaluate the students' understanding and knowledge of the topics covered during the internship. Special attention will be given to the student's ability to create connections between various concepts, demonstrating proficiency in language and critical thinking. This evaluation will be complemented by the in-depth activities carried out in groups or individually during the internship. |
Course Syllabus | - Theoretical introduction to criminal profiling |